Natural Disasters & Immigrant Relief In The United States

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The Snowstorm Of 2021

Immigration attorney Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch recalls last year’s powerful scenario where she experienced what many Texas residents experienced, the snowstorm of 2021.

Kate recalls that last year she felt a little traumatized by that storm, she was at home with her family, they had no electricity service for a week and were very scared about what could happen to the power grid.

The attorney has friends who work with people who work in the State, and they had information that maybe the whole State was going to lose electricity, it was a possibility, they got to the point of not having electricity in the whole State of Texas, and it was something that could happen for weeks, maybe months and that would be an apocalypse for the whole society that inhabits the State.

During that storm, Kate remembers her brother buying gas to take them to Louisiana if necessary.

It is not something that is going to happen this time, but it is something that could happen in the future and we need to talk about it, because unfortunately the U.S. Government is not protecting us properly, and it is an issue that needs to be addressed to prevent and help the immigrant community.

Life In Texas During The Snowstorm Of 2021

It is estimated that more than 600 to 900 people lost their lives in the State of Texas during that winter storm last year, also many people who did not lose their lives suffered in their homes, they had no water, they had nothing to eat, and that is a plot indeed, to survive such an event and not be able to have confidence in their leaders for them to fix and make a decision making so that the consequences do not occur of the same magnitude in the future.

Global Warming Is Triggering Natural Events You Should Prepare Yourself And Your Loved Ones For

We live in a huge and special state, but we don’t have a Congress or a Governor that wants to execute things to protect us, and it is a very big shame because everybody suffered during that week, and there is not one person that has stopped to help any person.

County Shares In 2021 & Ted Cruz

The counties did a lot for their communities, especially those that were opening shelters and giving food and water to the community, but the local governments were the ones that were responding and supporting their communities.

The reason we got into that trouble was that the rich people wanted to get richer, and the people in charge of our power grid didn’t want to protect and winterize the power grid and then, the Texas state legislator allowed them not to do that and for us to isolate ourselves from the rest of the states.

Remember that Texas was the only state to experience this storm last year.

Those were the actions of members of the legislature in the State of Texas, but no one can forget about Senator Ted Cruz during that week.

During the storm he wanted to flee to Cancun, he left his puppy at home alone without care or food, and it is worth noting the fact that Ted Cruz is a Senator in the Federal Congress, those who make up the Congress are the leaders in the State.

The Governor, the members of the Railroad Commission, who are the leaders who mediate and control natural gas, are involved in this situation, but the reason for not having a rule or a law is because the rich people want to be richer, and the leaders are not telling that part of the community that they have to protect the people who are living in Texas, that is why we had the situation last year.

Is Texas Ready For The Storm Of 2022?

No, because the members of Congress and the State of Texas have done nothing to protect us they had a special session to discuss the issue, although they talked about building a wall on the border, and that is not even a state responsibility, that is a topic of discussion by the Federal Government, but instead of talking about how to protect the people who live in the State of Texas, in the legislation, they were focusing on other things.

This was something that happened last year, nothing happened to give us an air of protection, so we are still in the same situation as last year.

Anyway, it is likely that this 2022 we are not going to have a snowstorm that will be categorized as an emergency like last year was, but global warming continues and does not stop, so we will be seeing more snowstorms like the one we experienced last year, this event is something that could happen next year or the year after and right now the people of the State of Texas are not being protected.

The U.S. is currently spending $250 million to build a border, and they could use that money to do a restoration and protect the Texas power grid.

Can the Immigrant Community Ask for Support?

This is something that depends on the governments and where the people live with or without immigration status, for example in the city of Waco, in the city of Austin, or Travis County there is a lot of help, and we in Lincoln-Goldfinch can rely on our councilmen like Chito Vela who advocates for the welfare of the immigrant community as it is also in the case of the Mayor.

They want to help the immigrant community, but unfortunately, they cannot depend on the State of Texas because the state leaders who are the decision-makers are not doing things to protect us at all.

How is the community organized to support or find help in general in Austin?

When there is an emergency like the one last year, you can call the city of Austin by dialing 311, you can also check the Twitter accounts, as they are posting resources that the immigrant community can access, you can also follow our platforms and you can call us, even though we only provide immigration services we are available if someone calls us needing help to get somewhere, we can look for information for the immigrant community.

Learn From Lincoln Goldfinch Law About The Best Actions You Can Take In The Event Of A Snowstorm Emergency

Depending on what is happening in the city of Austin, there is aid during times of emergency.

Storm Tips 2022

Something that can be very useful in a home for a family, is to buy a generator in case the electricity service fails again and is lost again, it would be a good idea to always have a plan B on what to do in such cases, for example, if at home we are going to lose the water service, we should have food and water stored at home and be able to count on people in case of any eventuality, families, and friends should stay together to have things they need from each other, access to information during these events, have candles, matches, flashlights and anything else you think you may need.

Other important points for you to make good decisions at this time or in an emergency where you feel you are in crisis because of some situation, you should:

  • Do not rush or succumb to the crisis you are going through.
  • Do not get carried away by any type of emotion that may prove to be negative or counterproductive at the time.
  • Do your research before making any decision, either by talking to a family member or acquaintance.
  • Analyze all factors before executing the decision-making process.
  • If you are a believer, have faith and ask God to help you clarify your mind and improve your situation and that of your loved ones.

What Can I Do If I Applied For My U Visa In 2017?

In the case of people who have applied for the U Visa, which is the Visa for people who were victims of crimes and physical abuse, you should get it soon, because the waiting time is about 5 years for you to get your answer, this year those 5 years were fulfilled, so you could ask for your work permit at this moment.

If you applied for your U Visa in 2017, you do not have an attorney representing you, from Lincoln-Goldfinch Law we suggest you at least consult how you can apply for this work permit.

If you have confidence in the attorney who did the petition, you can contact that person directly and they should be able to apply for your work permit, we are currently pulling a lot of work permits in our office for people who applied in 16, 17 or 18, now is the time.

If you have additional questions about natural disasters, emergency measures, or your specific case, you can contact us at (855) 502-0555. After a short 10 minute evaluation of your case over the phone we will let you know what options you have. You can also follow us on our social networks so as not to miss our weekly transmissions via FacebookYouTube & Twitch.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do not rush or succumb to the crisis you are going through.
  • Do not get carried away by any type of emotion that may prove to be negative or counterproductive at the time.
  • Do your research before making any decision, either by talking to a family member or acquaintance.
  • Analyze all factors before executing the decision-making process.
  • If you are a believer, have faith and ask God to help you clarify your mind and improve your situation and that of your loved ones.

About the Author: Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch

I am the managing partner of Lincoln-Goldfinch Law. Upon graduating from the University of Texas for college and law school, I received an Equal Justice Works Fellowship in 2008, completed at American Gateways. My project served the detained families seeking asylum. After my fellowship, I entered private immigration practice. My firm offers family-based immigration, such as green cards and naturalization, deportation defense, and humanitarian cases such as asylum, U Visa, and VAWA. Everyone at Lincoln-Goldfinch Law is bilingual, has a connection to our cause, and has demonstrated a history of activism for immigrants. To us, our work is not just a job.

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    Austin, TX 78751

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    1616 Austin Avenue, Suite A
    Waco, TX 76701
    By Appointment Only

    Austin & Waco
    Call or Text: (855) 502-0555
    Fax: (512) 323-9351

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