Can I Work In The U.S. While Waiting For My Green Card?

If you are applying for a Green Card in the United States, you may be wondering whether you are allowed to work while waiting for your application to be approved. The answer is generally yes, but there are a few important things to remember. Here’s what you need to know.

Solve Your Immigration Concerns If You Are In The Process Of Obtaining Your Green Card And Want To Work With A Work Permit In The U.S.

Getting Authorized To Work

First and foremost, you must have a valid work authorization document to find employment in the United States. It could be a work permit (EAD), a temporary Visa that allows you to work, or some other form of authorization. You must have a valid authorization document to legally find a job in the country.

If you have a valid work authorization document, you are generally allowed to work while waiting for your Green Card application to be approved. However, your authorization is tied to your current immigration status. It means that if your immigration status changes, your work authorization may also be affected. A good example is when your visa expires, or you are no longer eligible for a work permit. It is a good idea to consult with an immigration lawyer to understand how your work authorization may be affected by any changes to your immigration status.

How Long Does A Green Card Application Take?

It is also worth noting that the process of obtaining a Green Card can be lengthy, and it is common for applications to take several months or even years to be approved. You should maintain your work authorization and continue working legally in the United States during this time. If you cannot work or lose your work authorization, it could affect your ability to support yourself and your family.

How To Get Work Authorization While Waiting

You can obtain work authorization while waiting for your Green Card in a few different ways:

If you have a temporary visa that allows you to work in the United States, such as an H-1B Visa for skilled workers or a TN Visa for professionals from Canada and Mexico, you can work while you wait. You can also apply for a work permit (EAD) if eligible. You must have a pending Green Card application to qualify for a work permit. You should also be able to demonstrate that you need to work in order to support yourself and your family.

Remember that work authorization is not the same as permanent residence. Even if you are authorized to work in the United States, you are not considered a permanent resident until your Green Card application has been approved. It means that you may be required to renew your work authorization or apply for a new work permit if your current one expires before you obtain your green card.

Let An Immigration Lawyer Help

When you find yourself waiting for a Green Card approval, you may need to weigh your options on what to do during that period. An immigration lawyer can assist you with opportunities to work in the United States while waiting lawfully. Lincoln-Goldfinch Law has immigration attorneys who are ready to serve you and ensure that you’re able to work in the country legally.


If you are waiting for your Green Card and have a valid work authorization document, you are generally allowed to work in the United States. However, you should be familiar with how your work authorization is tied to your immigration status and be aware of any potential changes that could affect your ability to hold a job. If you have any questions or concerns about your authorization or Green Card application, it is a good idea to speak with an immigration lawyer.

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